


  托福口语高频话题:你认为学生在讨论交流中能学到更多吗?  Do you agree or disagree that students willlearn more when they have discussions? (07. 6.24考题)  Sample answer::  ...【详情】【我要提问】

  托福口语高频话题:你在空闲时间都做些什么?  What do you do in your spare time? (05. 12.3; 07. 7.14考题; 与07.8.17类似)  Sample answer:  I'm kind of indoor type, so...【详情】【我要提问】

  托福口语高频话题:描述儿童时代最高兴的一件事  Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood. (06. 9.23; 06.11.21; 06. 12.1考题)  Sample answer:  An enjoyable event that...【详情】【我要提问】

  托福口语高频话题:描述一个旅游地  Describe a place for a trip. (07. 8.11考题; 与2007. 1.19,2008. 2. 2 类似)  Sample answer:  I would go to New Zealand for a trip if I...【详情】【我要提问】

  托福口语高频话题:描述你认为最好的学校  Describe a school you’ve ever attended. (06. 9.23考题)  Sample answer:  The school I'd like to talk about is Beijing...【详情】【我要提问】

  托福口语高频话题:介绍你最常去的公共场所  Describe a public area that you visit frequently.Please state why you visit it frequently andinclude specific examples and details in...【详情】【我要提问】

  挑选朋友时看重他们哪些特点?  What are important characteristics you look forin friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 07.1.27考题)  Sample answer:  I think what makes a good...【详情】【我要提问】

  你认为一名好老师需要有哪些特点?  What charactereristics do you think a goodteacher should have? (06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题)  Sample answer:  In my view, a good teacher...【详情】【我要提问】

  托福口语高频话题:描述对你影响最深的人?  Describe a person that influenced you most.(06. 5.26; 06. 3. 17;06.10.22考题;与06.5.26类似)  Sample answer:  The person that...【详情】【我要提问】


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