
托福口语Task6范文解析:two benefits of grooming for social animals

2017-10-11编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育


  托福口语Task6话题:two benefits of grooming for social animals

  这是一篇生物学讲座,它围绕梳理同种类动物的毛发给群居动物带来的两个好处(two benefits of grooming for social animals)展开话题。

  第一, 梳理毛发助于保护动物不生病(protect animals from diseases)。动物生活在野外,会吸引大量的昆虫,有些会传播疾病。但是,梳理毛发会降低得病的风险,这对于群居动物来说,尤其有利,因为疾病扩散得很快,并且群居动物很容易大量滋生像寄生虫这样的小昆虫。例如,当黑猩猩穿过草地,皮肤和毛发上会粘附很多昆虫。但是,它们每天花几个小时彼此梳理毛发,阻止昆虫长时间停留在皮肤上,这样来保护黑猩猩不得病。

  第二, 梳理毛发有利于避免群居动物之间的冲突(help social animals avoid conflict)。当动物梳理对方毛发时,彼此会靠近,并且有肢体上的碰触,这会产生令人愉快的安抚效果,帮助动物放松,减少冲突。例如,两只黑猩猩争抢食物,一只表现地气势汹汹,另一只伸出手,开始梳理对方的毛发,让这只侵略性十足的黑猩猩开始变得冷静,最后避免了打斗。

  明确讲座的话题: two benefits of grooming for social animals


  1: protect animals from diseases

  2: help social animals avoid conflict


  In the biology class, the professor mainly talks about two benefits of grooming for social animals.

  The first benefit is grooming helps to protect animals from diseases. Animals live in the wild, and attract a lot of insects, some of the insects will spread diseases. For example, when chimpanzees walk through the grass, many insects will adhere onto their skins and furs. But since they spend hours grooming each other, they prevented the insects from staying on their skin for too long, and thus protect them from diseases.

  The second benefit is grooming helps social animals avoid conflict. This is because when grooming, the animals will get closer to each other, which will have a comforting effect. To use the chimpanzee example again. When two chimpanzees competing for food, one is very aggressive. The other one reaches out the hand and start grooming. This action helps to calm the aggressive chimpanzee down. In this way, they avoid the conflict.




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