2018-06-07编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育整理
Task 1 趋势预测
Task 1 What are the advantage and/or the disadvantage of attending a university in a small town or in a rural area? Explain why. Include reasons and details to support your response.
(20180331ML)(可参考 20171202ML)
Task 1 Your professor is planning to require students to work on all projects in a group. What is an advantage and a disadvantage of working on group projects.
(20180113ML)(可参考 20160409ML,20170226ML)
Task 1 Nowadays people find it hard to save money, can you talk about why it is harder for people to save money and what measures can be taken to overcome and solve it to some extent.
Task1 Talk about an event happened at school that had a negative start but eventually turned positive. Please give your response with specific details.
TASK1 What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live?
(20180127ML)(可参考 201606025ML)
Task 1 预测题目
1.When you have a lot of assignments and projects to do, what approach would you use in order to finish them in time?
I think the most important question is how to prioritize, which means how to perfectly organize your assignments and projects in a time frame, from the most urgent to the least urgent. So first of all, you need to stay organized and know the timeline and deadline of each assignment and project. Each assignment should be laid out into small, manageable tasks. Secondly, you need to divide your time into different slots and then assign the tasks to them. You may also need to limit your leisure time activities and adjust to a new daily and weekend routine. After a solid timetable is created, all you need to do is to keep it.
2.Your friend has to work a lot. Please suggest a hobby to him to help him spend his weekend more delightful.
I suggest that my friend should join a hiking club which organizes hiking on weekends, which I consider will bring great benefits to my friends’ physical health and psychological health. To begin with, hiking is definitely a beneficial outdoor activity for my friend to keep fit. After working hard during weekdays, he needs a way to free himself from the heavy workload and he’ll be able to strengthen his stamina, which will definitely give him more energy to cope with his job. Moreover, having a tighter connection with nature tends to bring him a good mood and hopefully he’ll forget his worries and stress from work.
3.Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.
The present I’d like to describe is a book about keeping a healthy life, which I sent to my mum as a birthday gift. It’s significant for a couple of reason. For one thing, the book may help my mum improve her health condition by giving some useful suggestions on her diet. It contains the introduction of various food and their nutrients. Also the book shows how to develop a healthy diet in an accessible way. Moreover, the part about regular excises brings benefits to my mum’s health as well. The book recommends some simple excises that are not physical demanding but effective, so it’s a wonder gift for my mum.
4.Which of the following brings you more pleasure—spending time with your friends, studying by yourself or doing exercising? Explain why. Please include reasons and details in your explanation.
I’m most happy when I’m with my family and friends. There is just nothing like laughing and sharing and enjoying your time with people that you love! That close human interaction is priceless. Now, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate my alone time. I can be a little hermit, shut away in my bedroom. Nice breaks all to myself, where I read or write, are great. But soon enough I start to yearn to hang out with a friend or spend the afternoon with a family member. My relationships ground me. When I’m content with them, I feel like I can face anything in the world. And if I’m feeling sad, giggling over silly movies with a friend or relative is the best cure I know of.
Task 2 趋势分析
趋势一: 本季度考察内容涉及范围比较全面,学校、家庭、社会、生活、科技都有覆盖, 对考生备考的全面性要求增加,例如:
TASK 2 Do you think parents should protect their children from mistakes or allow them to make mistakes?
(20180311ML 家庭教育)
TASK 2 The government wants to build a factory in the city. It can increase the employment rate, but it will pollute the city. Do you agree or disagree?
(20180310ML 社会事件)
TASK 2 Do you agree or disagree that we should let children use computers or other electronic devices as early as possible. Use specific reasons and examples in your answer?
(20180331ML 科技影响)
趋势二: 题目新颖度增加,可能会出现对于备考不足的考生在理解题目方面产生一定困难, 对考生能力要求明显增加,例如:
TASK2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the school should teach students about moral value? Please use specific details to support your idea.
(20180303ML 考生可能会因为不认识 moral value 造成内容组织方面的问题)
TASK2 Family members or friends often talk about some controvesial issues like politics. Some people prefer to convinve their family members or friends to agree with their opinions; other people do not prefer to do so. Which way do you prefer and why?
(20180113ML 考生可能会因为会 controversial 不认识,导致答题质量下降)
趋势三: 虽有题目新意增加,但是展开思路还是万变不离其宗,需要在备考充分的基础上有灵活的思路转变,例如:
TASK2 Some countries have already permitted students to have the homeschooling, which means students take courses at home through Internet and don't go to school to attend classes. Do you think it is a reasonable choice? Please give your explanation.
(20180106ML 考生可能会因为 home school 这个概念比较生僻,考场状态反应不够灵敏,造成答题时间不足或思路短缺,不过之前是有类似考题的出现,可参考 20150110ML 和 20161105ML)
