

2016-09-12编辑: 环球教育来自: 互联网


  1. 词组、短语(常见的一些名词、动词、介词搭配):

  1)be preoccupied with(专注于);

  2)be accustomed to(习惯于);

  3)get rid of(排除);

  4)run into(偶然遇见);

  5)once in a while(偶尔);

  6)in terms of(在…方面)

  7)top priority(首要任务);

  8)virtual studio(虚拟演播室)

  2. 句型(构成句子的框架):

  1)Once upon a time,…(很久很久以前)

  2)…as much as…(和…一样)

  3)…, which…(“非限定性定语从句”)

  4)…so that…(以至于)

  5)There be…(“存现句”)

  6)It is…that…(“强调句”)

  7)It is universally acknowledged that…(众所周知…)

  8)By doing…, …can…(通过做…,…可以…)

  3. 成语(有典故的名词性表达,或来源于文学作品,或来源于圣经或希腊神话,或来源于老百姓长期以来的经典表述)

  1)beat around the bush(绕弯子、兜圈子说话)

  2)Achilles’ heel(致命的弱点)

  3)an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth(以眼还眼,以牙还牙)

  4)black sheep(害群之马)

  5)social butterfly(交际花)

  6)Catch-22 situation(二十二条军规,比如尴尬矛盾的境地)

  7)Judah’s kiss(犹大之吻,比如口蜜腹剑的话语)

  8)cup of tea (喜爱的人或事物)

  4. 谚语+名言(劳动人民长久以来口口相传的经典语句;名人说的经典之语)

  1)Old habits die hard. (江山易改本性难移)

  2)Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise(塞翁失马焉知非福)

  3)Getting there is half the fun.(目的虽重要,但是不要忽视过程的体验)

  4)One man’s meat is another man’s poison. (青菜萝卜各有所爱)

  5)Zeal without knowledge is like a runaway horse. (无知的狂热如同脱缰的野马,一发不可收拾)

  6)Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同)

  7)The government of the people, by the people and for the people shall never vanish from the world. (民有的、民治的、民享的政府才会得以永恒存在下去--林肯)

  8)You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. (你知道有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在囚笼里的,他们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉--《阿甘正传》)

  5. 常见中文的英文翻译

  1)随着科技日新月异的变化:with the fast-changing development of science and technology

  2)在这个高度竞争的社会里:in this highly competitive society,

  3)面临新的机遇和挑战:be faced with new opportunities and challenges

  4)引起了广泛的社会关注:trigger wide public concern

  5)人民生活水平显著提高:the remarkable progress of people’s living standard

  6)发挥日益重要的作用:play an increasing important role in

  7)来自社会各个阶层的人:people from all walks of life

  8)利远远大于弊:the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages




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