2018-05-09编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育
托福君本周预测又准时来袭啦 ! 2018年5月12日托福写作超精准预测,请速速仔细阅读托福考试写作预测及高分范文~即将考试的童鞋们,务必认认真真地看~托福君的考试预测和真题回忆均由环球教育教研中心供稿。
1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people should not spend a lot of time on communication by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages.
With the development of modern technologies, people today are enjoying communicatingthrough social media and text messages, which is convenient compared to scheduling face-to-face meetings. However, some people argue that people shouldnot spend too much time on communication using technological devices. I totally agree with this viewpoint for the following reasons.
To begin with, communicating through social media reduces the time people meet in real life. Convenient it might seem, in fact, this type of communication couldisolate people from each other. To illustrate, while chatting through socialmedia, we usually choose to type and send text messages, which lacks tones,intonations, and facial expressions to show our feelings. Even if we could useemoji, the emoji still fails to express our true feelings because those symbolsand pictures are identical in everyone’s computer screens or cellphones.Gradually, people will not consider seriously the feelings conveyed by texts and emoji and thus the communications become less effective. For example, somepeople only “like” others’ pictures and sharing on Facebook without any comments. It is inevitable that people feel more and more isolated from eachother by simply “liking” each other’s postings online without meeting inperson.
Moreover, always sticking to our cellphones or sitting in front of computers is harmfulto our physical health. For instance, many people have found themselves sufferingfrom muscle pain because of a sedentary lifestyle. On the contrary, if peoplemeet in person, they might hang out and take a walk while taking to each other.Though different from doing exercises in gyms, this in person meeting at least enables people to relax and even sweat a little bit.
In addition, during spare time, people could choose to schedule a short trip, dosome exercises, or simply read some books that they are interested in. The above types of activities are beneficial for our physical health, and couldhelp broaden our horizons. In order not to become addicted to social media, it is necessary for us to limit the time we spending on our cell phones as well as the Internet.
Based on the above discussion, people should not spend a lot of time on communication by technologies, such as through social media or with text messages. On the contrary, we could meet in person, which could help us maintain social relationship with others. Besides, we should make use of our leisure time to do some beneficial activities instead of staring at the screen of our cellphonesor computers all the time.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult to be teachers who are not only popular with students but also can improve their studying efficiency. Use specific reasons and examples or details to support your answer.
At present, a teacher is required not only to know how to teach, but also to be favorable forhis students. Although some people believe educators may have difficulties inachieving this, I personally believe that these two are not mutually exclusive.
In the first place, a teacher who has gained popularity among students must have a personalquality such as being patient to tolerate the students who have made some mistakes, showing enthusiasm in class, being humorous. The most important oneis to love students and to love the course of teaching. As long as he has the innate love for his profession, he may has enormous zest for his students, and become a teacher favored by students. In addition, teachers like this can easily motivate students’ learning interest, thereby promoting working efficiency. That is to say, they are so trustworthy that they can guide and supervise the learners’ study efficiently.
Secondly, only ateacher who have the teaching faculty can help students develop effective and efficient study skill. In order to have this capability, a teacher should acquire enough knowledge. On the one hand, he should acquire the wide knowledge of philosophy, psychology, education (how to teach), culture, history, geography, etc. On the other hand, he must master much deeper theories in his research field. For example, an English teacher should possess the necessary skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, among whichspeaking is of paramount importance. In addition, a good English teacher mayhave the means to activate his class and give students the opportunities topractice English. Only in this way students can use English and improve their communicative competence. Undoubtedly, these teachers who have succeeded inimproving academic performance are favorable for students.
To sum up, based on the reasons I listabove, I would regard teachers would achieve the required goals since the former is the foundation of the latter and without the latter, the former cannot be permanent.
3. Do you agree that people will feel happier if they have fewer possessions?
Money-worshiping is often condemned and frowned upon. Some people even attribute all the dissatisfaction in our life to the pursuitof personal possessions. They believe that with fewer possessions, people would live a much happier life. However, real life abounds with examples where people do not feel happier or enjoy more emotional well-being when they have fewer personal possessions.
People who are extremely poor will certainly feel unhappy if they are deprived of part of their possessions. These people can barely survive with their current properties and belongings, so if they lose any, theycan hardly sustain their own lives. The Syrian refugees can be a typicalexample. These refugees, when abandoning their home, took little with them. What they have taken with them are normally personal belongings and passports. Should they lose any of them, their life for the following days would be miserable. They might starve if they cannot get food, or they might be denied entrance to the refugee camp if they cannot prove their identity. They would befar from happy when they lose some of their personal belongings.
Similarly, common people will also feel unhappy, if not uneasy when they find their property shrink. Common people, including theworking class and the middle class, may seem to lead a comfortable life with astable income. However, their seemingly comfortable life is often one step awayfrom bankruptcy if the stock market experiences a downturn, or if a family member is diagnosed with a deadly disease. For example, the plunge in the stockmarket in China last year has caused a decrease in property for millions ofstockholders. Many suffered from constant anxiety, others from insomnia. Nevercan we find any claiming to be happy or satisfactory with a shrunk property.Also, countless times have we read news about medical treatment consuming allthe deposits of an average family, leaving them depressed and miserable.
The only exception is probably the billionaires, who are most likely to remain unaffected when facing a reduction in property. The reason is that these people have various assets and businesses, so if one slumps, there are always others on the rise. Their personal possessions are embodied in figures on the bank account, which, if dwindles, tends to creep back some days later. In the meantime, they might even fail to notice thedifference. For example, after having donated more than 30 billion dollars tocharity, Bill Gates remains the richest person in the world for 18 years in arow. Of course he claims to be happy since his donation helps to improve thelife of those in need. However, others, whose possessions reduce only because of financial fluctuation, simply do not care too much.
In conclusion, only those with real assetsand business may remain untouched by a shrink in possessions, others, including the average people and the underprivileged, will feel less happy about the loss of possessions.
