

2017-10-23编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育



  内容回忆:文章主要是关于考古学家如何区分家养的和野生的动植物。作者列举出很多方法可以区分,但有的时候凭这些很难成功区分,他们的特征可能一样(有题)。于是一般都运用 floated 的技术使有机物和别的物质分离,这样就可以分析植物是否是野生。但是动物没有这么好区分,因为很多特征在家养的和野生的动物身上都可以体现,所以有另外的办法,就是看人类的捕杀数量和对象,在某个时间,人类杀成年的动物数量很多,证明人类那时就有选择性的捕猎。但是这个办法需要好好考虑,因为有很多因素,比如雌雄比例和动物数量波动很大等三个原因。还有一个发现就是一些属于 xx 时代的磨光的石头等,另外农业的发展让他们建了一堆谷仓,容器的来储藏粮食, (考了碎了的 pottery 说明了什么)所以当时不太可能属于游牧,这些都证明了在向驯养的转变。最后一段说不能只根据 clay pot 来证明动物是否为驯养。


  The domestication of animals is the mutual relationship between animals with the humans who have influence on their care and reproduction. Charles Darwin recognized the small number of traits that made domestic species different from their wild ancestors. He was also the first to recognize the difference between conscious selective breeding in which humans directly select for desirable traits, and unconscious selection where traits evolve as a by-product of natural selection or from selection on other traits. There is a genetic difference between domestic and wild populations. There is also such a difference between the domestication traits that researchers believe to have been essential at the early stages of domestication, and the improvement traits that have appeared since the split between wild and domestic populations. Domestication traits are generally fixed within all domesticates, and were selected during the initial episode of domestication of that animal or plant, whereas improvement traits are present only in a proportion of domesticates, though they may be fixed in individual breeds or regional populations.

  Domestication should not be confused with taming. Taming is the conditioned behavioral modification of a wild-born animal when its natural avoidance of humans is reduced and it accepts the presence of humans, but domestication is the permanent genetic modification of a bred lineage that leads to an inherited predisposition toward humans. Certain animal species, and certain individuals within those species, make better candidates for domestication than others because they exhibit certain behavioral characteristics: (1) the size and organization of their social structure; (2) the availability and the degree of selectivity in their choice of mates; (3) the ease and speed with which the parents bond with their young, and the maturity and mobility of the young at birth; (4) the degree of flexibility in diet and habitat tolerance; and (5) responses to humans and new environments, including flight responses and reactivity to external stimuli.




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