

2018-03-21编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网




  1 男生宿舍

  - mess, a real dump/mess, messed up, messy,乱七八槽at sixes and sevens, cha

  s, chaotic

  - I haven't done much cleaning recently. My room is like a tornado hit it.

  - 吸尘器vacuum/rag cleaner

  2 男生爱花钱

  -have money to burn, burn the candle at both ends, spend money like water

  *花完go through = use up

  *破产I was broke, I never seem to have enough money.

  *save for rainy days.存钱以备不时之需

  3 男生害羞

  -内向keep sth to oneself, not sociable, feel embarrassed, self-conscious

  4 男生爱紧张


  -presentation stand/sit

  -宣布谁得奖学金 restless quietly

  - 坐立不安 too excited to be still ,be on edge, on pins and needles, like a cat on hot bricks, pace

  the floor(来回踱步)

  5 男生各种环习惯

  - 睡过头oversleep, be late for class, miss the class

  - 失眠insomnia/wake up,辗转反侧toss and turn, twist, 安眠药sleeping pills

  - Never hand in the paper on time. Extension, extra time, be behind in(落?

  ),be backed up(堆积作业),临考抱佛脚cram for the exam

  - 补考fail the exam, make up the exam.

  6 女生Mystery, 爱学习

  - make no sense to me. Sth I'll never figure out. Over my head. Beyond me/

  y understanding.

  - How she manage to do it is a mystery to me. 答案中:wonder, surprised

  - 拉都拉不走tear sb away from the books

  7 女生不记仇

  - 故意mean to do,记恨 hold the grudge, forgive, forgiving, tolerant,忘掉 g

  t over it

  - broad-minded, open heart, a heart of gold. Think much/little of sb. Look

  up to /down upon sb

  8 常考女生的优点(参看男生缺点)。好女帮男场景:说教




  • 2019年托福考试备考指南
  • 托福考前必备事项
  • 托福加试分析
  • 托福长难句100备考素材
  • 环球教育托福课程体系