2018-07-06编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育整理
托福君的预测又准时来袭,2018年7月7/8日 托福口语超精准预测,请速速查看托福考试口语预测及高分范文~即将考试的童鞋们,务必认认真真地阅读哦~托福君的考试预测和真题回忆均由环球教育教研中心供稿。
Task 1
1. If you can have a part-time job at the university, what position would you choose; a lab assistant, a campus tour guide, or a library assistant? Why?
Personally speaking, I’d like to be a library assistant. There’re a couple of reasons. First of all, being a library assistant would enable me to be exposed to a sea of books. As we all know, libraries are the main study resources for students and there’re novels, encyclopedias and all kinds of reference books thus I could have more chances to read more if was a library assistant. In addition, I adore the peaceful environment in the library so I could enjoy the peace and let off my steam if I worked there. Every time I visit the library in my school, the environment there will help me concentrate better.
2. Describe a memorable experience in a restaurant or cafe.
I’d like to talk about my experience in a well-known restaurant in my city which is named the Grandma’s. A fortnight ago, I ate out with my friends there and the service was impeccable. The waiters and waitresses who wore a friendly smile all the time were so hospitable and helpful that a great number of customers were attracted to eat out there. In addition, the food they served was mainly Chinese traditional dishes which were not only mouth-watering but also nutritious. Better still, the price was moderate while the potion was extremely big. So I pretty enjoy the time eating there.
3. Describe a present you have given to others. Explain why you think it is important.
The present I’d like to describe is a book about keeping a healthy life, which I sent to my mum as a birthday gift. It’s significant for a couple of reason. For one thing, the book may help my mum improve her health condition by giving some useful suggestions on her diet. It contains the introduction of various food and their nutrients. Also the book shows how to develop a healthy diet in an accessible way. Moreover, the part about regular excises brings benefits to my mum’s health as well. The book recommends some simple excises that are not physical demanding but effective, so it’s a wonder gift for my mum.
4. Which one you will learn: play a piano, swim, and repair a car.
Personally, I would probably learn how to play the piano. Firstly, learning how to play the piano is definitely a good way to cultivate myself. I could not only enjoy the music created by prominent pianists, but also learn much about music itself. In addition, if I am really good at playing the piano, I could perform in front of a large number of people. It could give me a sense of achievement. What’s more, it’s easy for me to make a great deal of money, being a qualified piano teacher. Last but not least, I would be able to make some friends who have much in common with me. That’s why I am so jealous of those people who can play the piano.
