

2017-09-04编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育



  考题回忆:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Rather than help their children with schoolwork, parents should let them do their work independently.


  1. 让孩子独立完成作业可以帮助孩子更好的吸收知识(absorb knowledge they obtained),同时也能评估检测(evaluate)出孩子的水平,这和老师布置作业的目的是相一致的(in accordance with )

  2. 培养孩子独立自主解决问题的能力,这种能力对孩子未来的成功和以后的学习都是至关重要的( foster children’s ability of solving problems on their own, which is of great importance to their future success in their work and college study)

  3. 家长虽然不能全然包办孩子的作业,但是可以提供一些学习资料的来源,供孩子挑选有用的信息帮助自己完成作业.


  In current society, according to the survey conducted by a newspaper titled China Daily, the study burden on the shoulder of students is increasingly heavier, which has attracted widespread public attention. When it comes to what parents can do to help their children’s study, many people, if not most, are strong believers of the claim that parents should finish their kids’ homework for the purpose of relieving the study pressure. However, as far as I am concerned, parents are supposed to guide their children to complete their homework independently, for having a better command of knowledge imparted in class and cultivating their independent thinking ability.

  First and foremost, it is undeniable that finishing homework by themselves can help children better absorb the knowledge they obtained. As is known to all, the purpose of assigning homework to students is to review what they learned in the class. In other words, teachers will view their assignments as a yardstick to evaluate how well their students have absorbed the knowledge. For example, a history teacher may require his students to write a paper about the Independence War after briefly introducing the background and process of this war. Due to the lack of sufficient information about this subject, kids may turn to their parents for help. Some parents may do everything for their children, including collecting data, outlining the whole article and even finishing the paper. However, other parents may just provide some information sources and ask their kid to select relevant information and design the structure of the article. After finishing the paper, those who finish it independently have understood the whole process of Independent War, while those who do not complete by themselves forget what they learned quickly.

  Furthermore, it is indisputable that doing assignment independently can foster children’s ability of solving problems on their own, which is of great importance to their future success in their work and college study. The childhood is a critical period in which children shape characteristics or personalities. If a kid is accustomed to seeking helping from others whenever they encountered setbacks or troubles, he is likely to become emotionally attached to others and will never achieve success. By contrast, those who have formed the habit of resolving problems by themselves have a greater chance to succeed. Take my friend, Thompson, as an example. Whenever Thompson asks their parents for help in the process of doing homework, his parents never directly give him the answer to the questions or do the homework for him. They usually guide Thompson to figure out the answer by himself and thus he formed a good habit of independent thinking. Later in his college study and work, he will always stand out because of his independent ability.

  In the final analysis, judging from what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that parents should help their children to finish their homework independently instead of finishing it for them, in order to grasp what they learned better and develop the ability of solving problem on their own.




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