2016-03-10编辑: 环球教育教研中心来自: 环球教育教研中心
1. Themost important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.
Nothing is more important than education to an individual’s development which hastraditionally played an important role in passing of knowledge. But today thispurpose seems to be thrown away and the modern one tends to be helping studentsbe better employed. Most people would agree that the latter should be the maingoal of education. In my opinion, this is important but what is the mostimportant one is to help students to educate themselves.
Livingin such highly competitive world, individuals only armed with knowledge mayfail to be competent. This is mainly because what we can get from school is,after all, limited, no matter how long we have been educated. This fact canwell explain why American high schools today ask their students to spend muchtime learning how to use resource materials, libraries, statistics andcomputers but not just learn academic courses such as mathematics or history.Americans believe that if children are taught to reason well and to researchwell, they will be able to find whatever facts they need and therefore becomemore competent.
Receiving education is filled in the whole process of one’s life, rather than a part oftime. That is to say, the graduation from school does not mean the ending ofeducation. Instead, we are supposed and sometimes forced to learn morethroughout the whole life. Once we enter the workplace, we should learn skillsabout how to get along well with colleagues, how to better accomplish the taskarranged by superiors and how to balance work and life. After we becomeparents, we need try to adapt to this new role as soon as possible and also weneed to learn how to take care of a baby day and night. Even when we get old,we still have to keep on studying the best way to spend plenty of leisure time.All of these can hardly be gained from school education.
To sum up, only by learning how toeducate oneself, one can learn more and become more competent, which is themost important goal of education. Learning is a life long process and we shouldnever allow ourselves to become complacent or indifferent to the idea thatthere is always more to learn.
2. Yourcommunity has a piece of land and is considering introducing a business to thisland. Which business would you prefer? 1. A shopping mall 2. A performing artcenter 3. A hotel.
Without a doubt, the business I would prefer is a shopping mall if my community happensto have a piece of vacant land. The benefits of introducing a shopping mall arebound to outweigh a performing art center as well as a hotel.
To begin with, people living in the community would live a more convenient andcolorful life. Shopping plays a pivotal role in every family. If there is ashopping mall within walking distance, it will be a fantastic for everybody.They don’t have to spend half an hour or even an hour on the way to the nearestshopping mall. It is definitely a great place for kids who are eager to buytoys and for girls who are crazy about shopping, since there are a wide rangeof products in the shopping mall. Basically, people could buy whatever theywant to satisfy their needs. It is also a fantastic place for young people tohave a date. A Shopping mall usually have a cinema and a certain number ofrestaurants. After shopping, they could watch a romantic movie and enjoy afancy meal.
In addition, it is more profitable to build a shopping mall than a performing artcenter and a hotel. Everyone is in need of buying things. Buildings a shoppingmall is going to profit. On the contrary, a performing art center could not beused frequently. There are enough art events to be held. What’s worse, not somany people in China are interested in arts. Some of them are not able toafford a ticket of a concert or even that of an art gallery. And it takes muchmoney to maintain this art center in case those audio and visual equipment arebroken. As for hotels, it is totally unnecessary, for the number of hotels inthe city is more than enough. A number of factors will be taken intoconsideration when it comes to choosing a hotel, such as price, location,facilities and service.
In sum, it is a better idea to introduce a shopping mall in a community, sincepeople in the neighborhood could enjoy a more convenient and colorful life.Besides, it is more profitable to build a shopping mall.
3. Somepeople think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas witheach other is a good way to help students learn; others think giving studentstime for discussion is ineffective or a waste of time. Which idea do you agreewith, and why?"
Score 5:
As is known to all, the education in China is exam-oriented. Everything studentslearn in class is for passing the exams. There are few open topics for studentsto discuss in Chinese class. It is believed by both Chinese teachers andstudents that discussion in class is an ineffective way to learn. I totallyagree with it.
To begin with, Chinese students have got used to the way they are educated. Moststudents are required to listen carefully to the teachers and take as many noteas possible in the class from primary school to senior high school. It will betoo much to ask for students to accept class discussion within a short periodof time. It is possible that students might not know what to say in the firstplace. When topics were given in class, it would be possible that the wholeclass would be silent. It is not only a waste of time, but also embarrassing.
In addition, the effectiveness of class discussion depends on the students’personality. Unlike students from western countries like the United States,Chinese students are introverted who are reluctant to express their ideas infront of their fellow classmates. Some students might be afraid of speaking inpublic. They are worried if they do something wrong, it will be quitehumiliating. Some students are just not interested in sharing although theyhave plenty of amazing ideas in mind.
Moreover,in order to conduct successful class discussion, the teacher plays the mostcrucial role. It is quite tough for the teacher to supervise the process. He issupposed to be capable of dealing with various challenges. He has to know howto start the topic when the whole class remains silent. Also he has to know howto engage as many students as possible. He has to know what to do when thediscussion is absolutely off the topic.
In sum, class discussion might be an effective teaching method in other countries.However, it is not the case in China. It takes time for Chinese students to getfamiliar with it. It might be good when students become more extraverted. Thequalification of the teacher matters the most in carrying out a successfulclass discussion.
4. Doyou agree or disagree with the statement: Governments have done enough toeducate the people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.
Score 5:
Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Before answering this question, we should firstidentify what is the standards of a healthy lifestyle. To enjoy a healthylifestyle, a person should practice behaviors that could lead to positiveoutcomes, like enough sleeping, balanced eating, proper exercising, littlestress, harmonious relationship and so on. Considering these standards,however, we might say few of the public are leading a healthy lifestyle and inmy opinion, this is mostly because governments have not tried their best toeducate people about healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
Admittedly,there are some efforts made already by government spreading the importance ofhealth. However, these are only few and rarely generate impacts on publichealthy lifestyle. A common phenomenon in modern society is that due to poorawareness aroused, increasing number of people, especially in large cities,work overtime, drink excessively and stay up late. At the same time, due tolimited fund from government, sports facilities in community can only meetneeds of a small number of residents, thus leading to lack of physical exercisein general. As a result, more people even the young are found to be in sub-healthcondition. This worrying trend indicates that government needs to do more toeducate people the significance of a healthy lifestyle.
Similarly,the endeavor that government has made in educating the importance of balancedeating is far from enough, especially that in food safety supervision. This inmy country is particularly evident since there are variety of food safetyincidents reported in China. For example, the Sanlu Milk Powder scandal whichrevealed that the powder added Melamine in order to increase the proteincontent of the milk can perfectly show the lack of supervision of food safety.Although since then Chinese government have carried out some policies toimprove food hygiene, ironically, increasing number of Chinese people nowadaysprefer to pay more for oversea products but have little confidence in domesticones. If government had done enough to improve food safety, then there would belittle possibility for the trend to appear.
To sum up, I disagree with the statement that the government has done enough ineducating people the significance of healthy lifestyle and balanced eating dueto the facts that more people are suffering from health problem and lessconfidence is shown to local food safety.
5. Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement? It is difficult to beteachers who are not only popular with students but also can improve theirstudying efficiency. Use specific reasons and examples or details to supportyour answer.
Score 5:
At present, a teacher is required not only to know how to teach, but also to befavorable for his students. Although some people believe educators may havedifficulties in achieving this, I personally believe that these two are notmutually exclusive
In the first place, a teacher who has gained popularity among students must have apersonal quality such as being patient to tolerate the students who have madesome mistakes, showing enthusiasm in class, being humorous. The most importantl is to love students and to love the course of teaching. As long as he has theinnate love for his profession, he may has enormous zest for his students, andbecome a teacher favored by students. In addition, teachers like this caneasily motivate students’ learning interest, thereby promoting workingefficiency. That is to say, they are so trustworthy that they can guide andsupervise the learners’ study efficiently.
Secondly,only a teacher who have the teaching faculty can help students developeffective and efficient study skill. In order to have this capability, ateacher should acquire enough knowledge. On the one hand, he should acquire thewide knowledge of philosophy, psychology, education (how to teach), culture,history, geography, etc. On the other hand, he must master much deeper theoriesin his research field. For example, an English teacher should possess thenecessary skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating,among which speaking is of paramount importance. In addition, a good Englishteacher may have the means to activate his class and give students theopportunities to practice English. Only in this way students can use Englishand improve their communicative competence. Undoubtedly, these teachers whohave succeeded in improving academic performance are favorable for students.
To sumup, based on the reasons I list above, I would regard teachers would achievethe required goals since the former is the foundation of the latter and withoutthe latter, the former cannot be permanent.
6. Doyou agree or disagree with the following statement: some people think that themost important quality in choosing the leader of a school organization or clubis honesty.
Intoday’s schools and universities, student organizations are playing more and more important role in students’ campus life. When choosing a leader in studentorganization, some people believe that the most important quality is honesty.However, the most important quality for a student leader, I believe, is to providehis or her team members with opportunities to express their opinions. Ifnecessary, a leader should change his or her opinions as well.
Admittedly,being honest could benefit student organizations’ work because the team memberstend to trust the leader, which could result in a strong leadership and smoothteamwork. However, compared to honesty, a leader’s willingness to accept others’opinions and to change when they make wrong decisions are much more importantfor the following reasons.
Firstof all, a student leader’s primary task is to stimulate and motivate his or herpeer to come up with creative ideas, which benefit teamwork to a large extent. Instudent organizations, most tasks require teamwork where everyone in the teamneeds to contribute. The role of a leader is to stimulate all his or her teammembers to express their opinions rather than to become a dictator who makeevery decision on his or her own. In order to motivate the team members, aleader should not only create an atmosphere that everyone could feel free tospeak up but also respect the thoughts of his or her peers.
Moreover,it happens that sometimes the leader’s decision could be wrong and will exertnegative influence on the team’s work. As everyone knows, no one is perfect andpeople do make mistakes. If a leader hold strong opinions that might result insetbacks, and he or she refuses to change, the whole team’s project will beaffected by his or her dictation. As a result, the team members will becomereluctant to contribute to the team and might even quit the current job for abetter one. On the contrary, if the leader is humble enough to change theiropinions and listen to others’ suggestions, the team could avoid future loss.
As Ihave read from an article published online, “decision making is when the leadergives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote”.This is not only true in business and politics but also in studentorganizations. A student leader should encourage his or her colleagues toactively participate in the decision-making process, and should change theiropinions when it is necessary, which are more important than being honest.
7. Somepeople think at the start of a new year, it’s important to set a goal ofimproving a specific aspect of life. They call it a new-year resolution. Which ofthe following new-year resolution would you choose? 1. Help others in yourcommunity 2. Improve your health by exercising more and eat nutritious food 3.Manage your time better"
Score 5:
Many people in the world would set a goal for the coming new year. They would like to have a fresh start to make their life better. Last year, I wasted too muchon video games and sleeping. I would choose to manage my time better as my newyear resolution. I am about to live a more meaningful life.
To begin with, plans should be made in order to organize my time more efficiently.A reasonable plan would be made on daily basis in advance. In this way, it willbe clear that what needs to be done. When completing the plan, it will be agood idea to give myself some rewards. In this way, it becomes motivating tofollow the plan. Laziness is bound to get in the way for me to achieve my goal.In order to overcome it, it is necessary to form a study group so that we couldencourage and support each other.
In addition, good health means the most to everybody, especially for those people who are eager to accomplish something big. I have a dream that one day I will become an influential photographer in China. However, last year, it was quiteoften for me to stay up late, playing video games. In the next morning, thebreakfast was often skipped. It was absolutely harmful for my physical andpsychological health. Fortunately, I am a big fan of playing basketball. Iwould try to participate in doing sports regularly. It will be more efficientfor me to study when I am in a better health condition.
Moreover,I would spend my weekends visiting different places and meeting differentpeople. It is crucial for a photographer to have rich life experience. I mightnot have much. But I am able to enrich mine by listening to others’ lifestories and learning about the culture and history about a place. Hence, itmight provide a new perspective for me when taking some photos.
Insum, life is short. Time is valuable. In order to make the most of my time, Iwould make plans, do some sports as well as travelling and making friends withdifferent backgrounds. In this way, my life will be more colorful.
