

2017-09-05编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 环球教育




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.


  这是典型的对比题型,再次重复 2015 年 6 月 27 日的考题,和聪明的人交朋友好,还是和幽默的人交朋友好?其实最快的解题思路就是,和又聪明又幽默的人交朋友。因为两者并不矛盾,相反,聪明的人常常很幽默,幽默的人也常常很聪明,所以两边都写,最快获得解题思路。


  The importance of friendship in our life need no more emphasis as we are the social animal, which requires social network to maintain our existing meaning in the earth. But what kinds of friends should be more preferable? Intelligent one or humorous one? In my perspective, why not we make friends with intelligent and humorous characters.

  Apparently, intelligence and Humor are not conflicting factors of a person. Most of celebrities become well-known due to their intelligence and sense of humor. And both personalities can be easily found in ordinary people as well. Therefore, it is more advisable to make friends with those individuals.

  Intelligent friends definitely could inspire our mind and improve our mental set. Take my husband Cyrus as example. He loves reading a variety of books but views the statements of those books objectively and critically. Unlike me, I easily and blindly follow others’ radical standpoints, and this mental-laziness actually makes me silly when I present my views. Once we discussed the reputation of CY Liang, the prime minister of HongKong, I indiscriminately judged him as a disabled leader for a high proportion of citizens in HongKong are against his administration. His negative news is exposed widely and on a daily basis, so people are easily influenced by those partial reports, including me, but not Cyrus. He will not present his assertion unless he finds some supportive evidence. He told me that CY Liang has constantly undertaken numerous projects to improve the general well-being of HongKong people, and if a big figure want to do some revolution, there must be some negative voices as it unavoidably invades someone’s profit. Sometimes, the media is controlled by people with power and wealth. Therefore, we should not accept all the reports from news without thinking twice. How intelligent Cyrus is! His intelligence is the most attraction to me, which helpfully maintains our relationship for over 10 years.On the other hand, nobody would reject to friend with a humorous person. We are living intensely under lots of various pressure, from work, study, and social life. If there is a friend who can make you laugh around you, life will seem to be much easier. However, we need to be careful for those who use others’ weaknesses and embarrassment to be laughable sources. These friends are not respectful as they use others’ pain to build up their happy life. Only those friends who can use a relaxing and wise way to communicate is worth making with. In this case, I would view myself as a humorous person, as I can easily make my friends laugh. I have a friend who is a young and prestigious profession in CMU, and he is actually serious. Once, we had lunch together, he was so considerate to ask me whether I am full or not, and I answered him “yes, so full that I look like pregnant for three months.” He could not stop laughing. Oddly, at this moment, I also earned a sense of achievement as this professor liked to talk with me in an easy matter.

  To conclude, it is not easy to find friends who are both intelligent and humorous, but it does not mean we should not be sensible to make friends by censoring their characters. Humor and intelligence normally co-exist, an intelligent person without sense of humor seem less approachable and a humorous person without intelligence seem shallow as well.




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